… be a Presentation-Master. As as speaker coach, I’m specialized in helping individuals and groups in speaking confidently and authentically with impact. I offer various training and coaching programs for everyone who wants to learn how to present themselves optimally and professionally in front of large or small audiences. I’m specialized in working with corporate leaders and with public event speakers.
The method I use to train and coach my clients is E.A.S.E., the Presentation-Master’s personal consultancy program which stands for Energy, Authenticity, Skills & Engagement. My coaching style is both results-oriented and personal, as I’m deeply involved with all my coachees. I provide tailored advice to each individual and pay attention to personal presentation within the leadership style of my coachee to raise their presentation level.
I offer various training and coaching programs given the maturity of the speaker: from personal coaching, masterclasses, or workshops for small groups (max 12 persons). Since 2019 I’m also an TEDx speaker coach.
This article is here to make clear that I’m also a speaker coach for English speaking future coachees …without converting (a part of) my website into another language.